Tomatoes & Peppers
I had a much higher success rate with my tomato seeds then I planned, so I'll have enough to put a few out in the garden as well.
Beans, Cucumbers & Peas
These veggies I can succession plant after we move in.
Lettuce & Spinach
I've already got them sprouting up here from seeds that fell last fall. I'll be able to harvest before we move, then plant a slow bolt variety at the new place for the summer.
I don't usually plant my squash until early June anyway (it's just not warm enough here). So I'll just have to find a spot that is really well sheltered for the fall and I should still get an okay harvest as long as I get them in right after we move.
Cauliflower & Broccoli?
On special request from the toddler, I've started broccoli & cauliflower for him. These are cold season crops so I'll have to find a shady spot for them, and plan to plant some more closer to fall.
I picked up a small raspberry plant from my family's cottage last year, so after the move it didn't fruit last year (it barely grew). The little plant has come back with a vengeance! I feel bad moving it again and preventing it from fruiting, but I'm sure we'll have a huge plant by next year. I'll be digging up both my strawberries and raspberries from the garden and moving the whole plants.
A few of my seeds will be staying in the freezer this year. I grew celery for the first time last year (I don't recommend it for your first-year garden, but it isn't too hard), but I definitely don't have the 110 days it takes this year. I also won't be planting any onions, potatoes, garlic or corn, they also take too long and wouldn't move well. Next year!
It's not all bad news though, I do get to plant so more permanent garden areas, like asparagus! We're also planing on grapes, kiwi vines and apple trees. I'm so excited to have my own, permanent-for-a-long-while, vegetable garden!
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