One of the greatest gifts from my vegetable garden is the bounty of baby food available for my sweet little 7 month old. Yes, 7 months is a little early for solid foods (I'll level with yah, he started them at 4 months ) and especially to be eating non-pureed foods; but both my boys were early & BIG eaters.

For a quick meal I zip out to the garden, grab a zucchini, put a pot of water on the stove, wash then slice the zucchini, quick steam, cool them in cold water & hand them over to the babbling little guy who happily stuffs his face full. When he was smaller I'd blend everything really quickly in my blender for a nice puree, but once those teeth started coming in he really wanted something to bite down into.
He's been eating green beans, carrots, lots of zucchini but his favourite are the Lincoln peas. I got SCREAMED at for not planting enough when he ate them all in one meal and decided he was still hungry. Unfortunately with the heat this isn't really the best time for peas, but I decided to throw some more into the garden under the shade of the beans and just hope for the best. Once we get a little closer to fall I will plant a whole bunch more.
It is an amazing feeling to deliver to your child something you grew in your own soil just for him; after all I grew him too.
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