Monday, April 26, 2010

The potato box - up close & personal!

My lovely potato box has garnered a lot of attention from the human visitors to the garden. Everyone has asked me why I have this strange box with all the leaves sticking out of it - and also where they can get one! The basis of a potato box is to grow the spuds vertically rather then horizontally because they take up so much space otherwise. Theoretically you can get a much higher yield on a smaller square space this way.

So far all I can say is that, yes it takes up much less room then an entire row of potatoes!

There are lots of different ways to make a potato box, using everything from scrap wood to old tires, there are even commercial available boxes now. A great link for more info is from The Seattle Times (isn't the internet great?).

This is my first year growing potatoes & I've just used the ones out of my cupboard that have grown too much to eat. I'm hoping for a big bounty but we'll have to wait until late summer/fall to find out.

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