Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spring, Sprung, Lettuce.

Every summer, I have a few lettuce plants that I don't get to quite in time and they start to bolt. Bolted lettuce starts to take on a very bitter taste, not really something you want to eat. Instead of pulling it out I always let it grow, and here's why:

All those little light-green plants are new lettuce plants!

I don't do anything to protect them over winter (although we always get a good snow pack) the seeds that fell last summer will just go dormant and perk up as soon as the weather starts to warm up.

Now we'll have some lovely heads to harvest in just a few more weeks!

The only problem with this method, is that lettuce seeds have little tufts on them, so they tend to blow around quite a bit. This is only an issue if you're really set on a neat & tidy garden. It's very easy to tell a bright green lettuce from weeds and lettuce won't compete with the other veggies in your garden.

Bolted Lettuce
Dried lettuce with seed

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